Success Stories
Trinity Nursery & Gift Shop
"We've been appreciative of their care for clear communication and customer service.”
Sof-Tek Integrators
“A business development loan provided the financial boost for internally redesigning the machine and eliminating the flaw in the process.”
LPL Financial
“I knew SCED was working for my success, not just their own bottom line,” David says. “I would definitely use them again.”
Everything Medical
“An appraisal was done which included improvements, so my loan funded all the remodeling, improvements, new chairs and computers,” Adelman says.
JR Martin and Associates
“The biggest challenge to obtaining financing was being a new business,” says Juli, “and fighting the assumption that I didn’t know what I was doing.”
Tsasdi Resort
Julie gives credit to SCED Loan Manager Ryan Richardson for “not just evaluating the numbers, but evaluating me."
Know Opportunity
SCED meets a critical demand for small business. They’re a key partner and they’ve proven their willingness to take calculated risks for small businesses.
Premier Oil Change
“These are specialty-use buildings, so traditional financing… well, banks get a little scared to fund a project like this, even with a lot of collateral.”
Caterpillar Campus
“SCED really is a huge benefit for businesses owners. It’s just an amazing program.”
Boundary Waters Screenprinting
“I own my home, but commercial real estate is a whole different animal,” says Mike. “Clearing contingencies, HVAC… It was one learning curve after another.”